Part 1: Newsletter – Issue 709
The most high-stakes marketing game in the world is the race for President of the United States. During the 2020 presidential election, the two candidates spent 6.6 billion dollars, all to capture a salary of $400,000! Now that’s high-stakes marketing.
While I have never met anyone who likes political advertising, there are some proven, and yes positive, tactics that can help you become the “president” of your business category. First, you must win their hearts and mind. Once you’ve accomplished that, you’ll win their wallets and purses.
Presidential Marketing Tactic Number Ten is, Develop a Proprietary Slogan. In today’s competitive landscape, simply promoting your name is no longer sufficient to develop customer loyalty or attract new business. Your name must stand for something and be associated with an easy-to-remember benefit statement or slogan.
A slogan, in a few short words, describes what your business stands for. Whether they were your preferred candidate or not, Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again”, and Barrack Obama’s “Yes We Can” were extremely powerful slogans.
There is, however, one tactic your advertising needs to adhere to that most political campaigns do not….Tell the truth!
Don’t make promises you can’t keep if you want to be in business for more than one term.