Part 1: Newsletter – Issue #696 |
As a business owner, what is your biggest challenge in running your business?
Before you continue reading, stop and think about this for 30-seconds. (30-sec pause….)
Let me guess, it didn’t take 30 seconds for you to come up with your answer.
We are willing to bet that over 80% of you said… “finding good employees”!
Now, if I were to ask you who the biggest radio advertiser in the U.S. was over the last two years, it might take you a bit longer to come up with an answer. More than likely, many would say Geico, Liberty, Tide, The Home Depot, or McDonald’s, and they would be good guesses, as they are some of the largest advertisers. But the largest radio advertiser is… Indeed!
Yes, Indeed! The online recruitment company is the #1 radio advertiser in the U.S. On top of that, the 10th largest radio advertiser is Zip Recruiter.
So why do Indeed, Zip, and a host of other online recruitment companies use radio when their platform is supposed to be the “go-to” place for recruitment? While there are several reasons, the main reason is broadcast media, Radio and TV, reach the PASSIVE job seeker. Digital is best at reaching the ACTIVE job seeker.
What’s the difference? “Active Jobs Seekers”, just as the name implies, are the people with their resumes in hand, actively looking for work, and can often be referred to as “job hoppers”. “Passive Job Seekers” are those that are simply thinking about, but not actively seeking, a change. The Passive job seeker isn’t actively looking for but would consider a better opportunity. The Passive job seeker is a much more attractive applicant.
The Gallup company suggests that 71% of the population would consider a different opportunity if one were presented to them. 50% are passively looking and 21% are actively looking for a new job or career.
Indeed understands this concept, therefore, they are almost forced to use broadcast media to reach the Passive Job-Seeker. Otherwise, the large majority of people on their website would be the “Active Job-Seekers”, the less attractive applicants.
Yes, Indeed Gets It!
If you’re like most business owners or H.R. personnel that are tired of interviewing bad applicants, keep in mind that the “Active Job Seekers” are looking at the job boards, Indeed, CareerBuilder, Zip, Monster, and hundreds of other sites. It’s not that you won’t find people on these sites, you will, but a majority of the searchers will disappoint.
If you would like to see the Ten Tips to Recruiting Better Applicants and Hiring Better Employees, click here, and happy hunting!